Source code for django_contact_form.forms

A base contact form for allowing users to send email messages through
a web interface.


from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.sites.shortcuts import get_current_site
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.template import loader
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

[docs]class ContactForm(forms.Form): """ The base contact form class from which all contact form classes should inherit. If you don't need any customization, you can use this form to provide basic contact-form functionality; it will collect name, email address and message. The :class:`~django_contact_form.views.ContactFormView` included in this application knows how to work with this form and can handle many types of subclasses as well (see below for a discussion of the important points), so in many cases it will be all that you need. If you'd like to use this form or a subclass of it from one of your own views, here's how: 1. When you instantiate the form, pass the current :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` object as the keyword argument ``request``; this is used internally by the base implementation, and also made available so that subclasses can add functionality which relies on inspecting the request (such as spam filtering). 2. To send the message, call the form's :meth:`save` method, which accepts the keyword argument ``fail_silently`` and defaults it to :data:`False`. This argument is passed directly to Django's :func:`~django.core.mail.send_mail` function, and allows you to suppress or raise exceptions as needed for debugging. The :meth:`save` method has no return value. Other than that, treat it like any other form; validity checks and validated data are handled normally, through the :meth:`~django.forms.Form.is_valid` method and the :attr:`~django.forms.Form.cleaned_data` dictionary. Under the hood, this form uses a somewhat abstracted interface in order to make it easier to subclass and add functionality. Customizing behavior in subclasses `````````````````````````````````` The following attributes play a role in determining behavior, and any of them can be implemented as an attribute or as a method (for example, if you wish to have :attr:`from_email` be dynamic, you can implement a method named :meth:`from_email` instead of setting the attribute :attr:`from_email`). .. attribute:: from_email The email address (:class:`str`) to use in the ``From:`` header of the message. By default, this is the value of the Django setting :setting:`DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`. .. attribute:: recipient_list A :class:`list` of recipients for the message. By default, this is the email addresses specified in the setting :setting:`MANAGERS`. .. attribute:: subject_template_name A :class:`str`, the name of the template to use when rendering the subject line of the message. By default, this is ``"django_contact_form/contact_form_subject.txt"``. .. attribute:: template_name A :class:`str`, the name of the template to use when rendering the body of the message. By default, this is ``"django_contact_form/contact_form.txt"``. And two methods are involved in producing the contents of the message to send: .. automethod:: message .. automethod:: subject Finally, the message itself is generated by the following two methods: .. automethod:: get_message_dict .. automethod:: get_message_context Other attributes/methods ```````````````````````` Meanwhile, the following attributes/methods generally should not be overridden; doing so may interfere with functionality, may not accomplish what you want, and generally any desired customization can be accomplished in a more straightforward way through overriding one of the attributes/methods listed above. .. attribute:: request The :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` object representing the current request. This is set automatically in `__init__()`, and is used both to generate a :class:`~django.template.RequestContext` for the templates and to allow subclasses to engage in request-specific behavior. .. automethod:: save Note that subclasses which override ``__init__`` or :meth:`save` need to accept ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``, and pass them via :func:`super`, in order to preserve behavior (each of those methods accepts at least one additional argument, and this application expects and requires them to do so). """ name = forms.CharField(max_length=100, label=_("Your name")) email = forms.EmailField(max_length=200, label=_("Your email address")) body = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, label=_("Your message")) from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL recipient_list = [mail_tuple[1] for mail_tuple in settings.MANAGERS] subject_template_name = "django_contact_form/contact_form_subject.txt" template_name = "django_contact_form/contact_form.txt" def __init__( self, *args, data=None, files=None, request=None, recipient_list=None, **kwargs ): if request is None: raise TypeError("Keyword argument 'request' must be supplied") self.request = request if recipient_list is not None: self.recipient_list = recipient_list super().__init__(data=data, files=files, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def message(self): """ Return the body of the message to send. By default, this is accomplished by rendering the template name specified in :attr:`template_name`. :rtype: str """ template_name = ( self.template_name() # pylint: disable=not-callable if callable(self.template_name) else self.template_name ) return loader.render_to_string( template_name, self.get_message_context(), request=self.request )
[docs] def subject(self): """ Return the subject line of the message to send. By default, this is accomplished by rendering the template name specified in :attr:`subject_template_name`. .. warning:: **Subject must be a single line** The subject of an email is sent in a header (named ``Subject:``). Because email uses newlines as a separator between headers, newlines in the subject can cause it to be interpreted as multiple headers; this is the `header injection attack <>`_. To prevent this, :meth:`subject` will always force the subject to a single line of text, stripping all newline characters. If you override :meth:`subject`, be sure to either do this manually, or use :class:`super` to call the parent implementation. :rtype: str """ template_name = ( self.subject_template_name() # pylint: disable=not-callable if callable(self.subject_template_name) else self.subject_template_name ) subject = loader.render_to_string( template_name, self.get_message_context(), request=self.request ) return "".join(subject.splitlines())
[docs] def get_message_context(self): """ Return the context used to render the templates for the email subject and body. .. warning:: **Renamed method** Prior to django-contact-form 2.x, this method was named ``get_context()``. It was renamed to ``get_message_context()`` in django-contact-form 2.0. See :ref:`the upgrade guide <renamed-get-context>` for details. The default context will be a :class:`~django.template.RequestContext` (using the current HTTP request, so user information is available), plus the contents of the form's :attr:`~django.forms.Form.cleaned_data` dictionary, and one additional variable: ``site`` If `django.contrib.sites` is installed, the currently-active :class:`~django.contrib.sites.models.Site` object. Otherwise, a :class:`~django.contrib.sites.requests.RequestSite` object generated from the request. :rtype: dict """ if not self.is_valid(): raise ValueError("Cannot generate Context from invalid contact form") return dict(self.cleaned_data, site=get_current_site(self.request))
[docs] def get_message_dict(self): """ Generate the parts of the message and return them in a dictionary suitable for passing as keyword arguments to Django's :func:`~django.core.mail.send_mail`. By default, method will collect and return :attr:`from_email`, :attr:`recipient_list`, :meth:`message` and :meth:`subject`. Overriding this allows essentially unlimited customization of how the message is generated. Note that for compatibility, implementations which override this should support callables for the values of :attr:`from_email` and :attr:`recipient_list`. :rtype: dict """ if not self.is_valid(): raise ValueError("Message cannot be sent from invalid contact form") message_dict = {} for message_part in ("from_email", "message", "recipient_list", "subject"): attr = getattr(self, message_part) message_dict[message_part] = attr() if callable(attr) else attr return message_dict
[docs] def save(self, fail_silently=False): """ If the form has data and is valid, construct and send the email. By default, this is done by obtaining the parts of the email from :meth:`get_message_dict` and passing the result to Django's :func:`~django.core.mail.send_mail` function. """ send_mail(fail_silently=fail_silently, **self.get_message_dict())
[docs]class AkismetContactForm(ContactForm): """ A subclass of :class:`ContactForm` which adds spam filtering, via `the Wordpress Akismet spam-detection service <>`_. Use of this class requires you to provide configuration for the Akismet web service; you'll need to obtain an Akismet API key, and you'll need to associate it with the site you'll use the contact form on. You can do this at <>. Once you have, you can configure in either of two ways: 1. Put your Akismet API key in the Django setting :setting:`AKISMET_API_KEY`, and the URL it's associated with in the setting :setting:`AKISMET_BLOG_URL`, or 2. Put your Akismet API key in the environment variable ``PYTHON_AKISMET_API_KEY``, and the URL it's associated with in the environment variable ``PYTHON_AKISMET_BLOG_URL``. You will also need `the Python Akismet module <>`_ to communicate with the Akismet web service. You can install it by running ``pip install akismet``, or django-contact-form can install it automatically for you if you run ``pip install django-contact-form[akismet]``. Once you have an Akismet API key and URL configured, and the ``akismet`` module installed, you can drop in :class:`AkismetContactForm` anywhere you would have used :class:`ContactForm`. A URLconf is provided in django-contact-form, at ``django_contact_form.akismet_urls``, which will correctly configure :class:`AkismetContactForm` for you. """ SPAM_MESSAGE = _("Your message was classified as spam.") def clean_body(self): """ Apply Akismet spam filtering to the submission. """ from akismet import Akismet # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel akismet_api = Akismet( key=getattr(settings, "AKISMET_API_KEY", None), blog_url=getattr(settings, "AKISMET_BLOG_URL", None), ) akismet_kwargs = { "user_ip": self.request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"], "user_agent": self.request.META.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "comment_author": self.cleaned_data.get("name"), "comment_author_email": self.cleaned_data.get("email"), "comment_content": self.cleaned_data["body"], "comment_type": "contact-form", } if akismet_api.comment_check(**akismet_kwargs): raise forms.ValidationError(self.SPAM_MESSAGE) return self.cleaned_data["body"]