Installation guide

The 2.0 release of django-contact-form supports Django 3.2 and 4.0 on Python 3.7 (Django 3.2 only), 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. Note that Django 3.2’s support for Python 3.10 was added in Django 3.2.9, so you may experience issues with Python 3.10 and earlier Django 3.2 versions.

Normal installation

The preferred method of installing django-contact-form is via pip, the standard Python package-installation tool. If you don’t have pip, instructions are available for how to obtain and install it. If you’re using a supported version of Python, pip should have come bundled with your installation of Python.

Once you have pip, type:

pip install django-contact-form

If you plan to use the included spam-filtering contact form class, AkismetContactForm, you will also need the Python akismet module. You can manually install it via pip install akismet, or tell django-contact-form to install it for you, by running:

pip install django-contact-form[akismet]

If you don’t have a copy of a compatible version of Django, installing django-contact-form will also automatically install one for you.

Installing from a source checkout

If you want to work on django-contact-form, you can obtain a source checkout.

The development repository for django-contact-form is at <>. If you have git installed, you can obtain a copy of the repository by typing:

git clone

From there, you can use git commands to check out the specific revision you want, and perform an “editable” install (allowing you to change code as you work on it) by typing:

pip install -e .

Next steps

To get up and running quickly, check out the quick start guide. For full documentation, see the documentation index.